In just a couple weeks, the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP) will be holding their annual 3-day conference in Chicago. This event will bring together all levels of expertise in planned giving looking to learn more about the profession. CGP is a valuable resource to so many. Lessons in the technical aspects of the field, the art of being a planned giving officer, the stories told and the networking done are among the many reasons the conference is sold out for attendees.
Similarly, on a smaller scale, local planned giving councils offer these same benefits. When the pandemic made it difficult to continue to carry on some of these benefits, PGI had a desire to give them some support. Trusting CGP as the national council with relationships to so many local councils, PGI sought to carry out the granting process through them. They knew the needs of the local councils around the country best. Within CGP, an application was designed, a review committee formed and the process for granting to councils began.
Since 2021, PGI has funded just over $100,000 to 33 local planned giving councils through CPG in areas for diversified programming, scholarships, endeavors that further diversity, equity and inclusion, and membership growth, just to name a few. The response has been terrific. The feedback from the recipient councils reiterates what the extra funding has meant for building pipelines to services that will enable them to strengthen their councils for future planned giving officers for years to come.
If your local council is interested in applying for the 2024 council grants, please reach out to the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners here.